Patients and Users for Reasonable Policy

Washington’s weed industry is mids. Let’s make it top shelf.


Patients and Users for Reasonable Policy (PURP) is a grassroots organization that advocates for the most important stakeholders in a legalized cannabis economy: the users. Our aim is to hold businesses and regulatory bodies accountable for misdeeds and weak policies that have gradually eroded consumer confidence over the years since I502 was implemented.

In business there’s a concept in which 80% of sales come from 20% of an industry’s total customers; Given this logic, the 20% of daily users who spend a significant portion of their wages on cannabis products are the people who allow for a regulated cannabis economy to thrive in the first place. We are those daily users who either benefit or suffer depending on which way the wind changes in Olympia.

We voted for regulation, we financially support the industry as end users, and we demand to have our say in how our government regulates our medicine and lifestyles.

Visit our Transparency page to learn more about PURP


Mission Statement

Our mission is to systematically reform the various over-regulations and rules that have made Washington’s cannabis industry so underwhelming, and present new perspectives that will make the I502 industry more enticing to consumers.

PURP will engage every Washington state legislator, prevention organization, and WSLCB officer agent necessary, and work with them to build a legal cannabis economy that serves the real needs of end users that financially support the industry.


Long Term Goals

We’ve been patient and compliant since the beginning of I502, but unfortunately this cannabis economy is still nothing like the market we thought we were voting for.

The important thing that I502 did was to remove criminal penalties for simple cannabis possession, and now that we’re well past that point, we have a long list of rules & regulations that need to be revised or introduced in order to make this regulatory structure more appealing and more successful than the black market:

  1. Legalize home grows immediately

    • Allow clones & seeds from licensed producers to be sold at dispensaries, or create a new license for retailers that only sell plants & grow supplies

  2. Eliminate cannabis taxes for medical patients

    • Not just low THC “DOH certified” products, but all cannabis products

  3. Reduce cannabis packaging waste

    • Enable producers & retailers to sell bulk flower as an option

    • Specify reusable glass jars for producers as part of a state-approved recycling program at dispensaries

    • Allow processors to package up to 7g of concentrate in a single container

  4. Legalize cannabis delivery

  5. Revise cannabis consumption laws so they aren’t skewed to favor [mostly white] landowners

    • Establish legal framework for social consumption sites (dab bars, vapor lounges, and private clubs for smoking).

  6. Expand qualifying conditions for medical users to include more “invisible illnesses,” such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression

  7. Reduce the cannabis tax rate to 20.5% (it’s currently 47.5% including sales tax in Seattle)

  8. Expand the THC limit on edibles to be 200mg per package

  9. Increase the moisture limit for cannabis flower so Washington’s weed won’t be so damn dry

  10. Legalize pot leaves in advertising and signage, again

  11. Develop a new license that enables a business owner to produce, process, sell, and allow customers to consume cannabis within a 10,000 square foot area

  12. Eliminate THC testing requirements for government employees [who don’t have to operate heavy machinery]

  13. Change WSLCB Director to be an elected position with term limits so that the people will have a greater say in how cannabis laws are interpreted and enforced

…and that’s just the beginning.
