Action Needed: Stop the 65% Tax on Dabs

Thursday, Feburary 2nd will be a big day for Washington's cannabis users, as the House Regulated Substances and Gaming Committee will convene public hearings for 3 important bills that would completely change our regulated cannabis economy if they get passed.

The purpose of these committee hearings is so they can hear from us, the public, to determine which, if any, of these bills should advance to the House of Representatives for a vote. Before you get panicked, remember that a large number (I wanna say the majority) of bills ultimately die in committee and do not make it to the House or Senate.

  1. HB 1614 - Concerning the home cultivation of cannabis

    • Proposes to finally legalize homegrows in Washington

  2. HB 1641 - Addressing public health challenges of high-potency cannabis products.

    • Proposes to increase the tax rate to 50% for concentrates & cartridges (and flower lol) with 36-60% THC

    • Proposes to increase the tax rate to 65% for concentrates & cartridges (and flower lol) with more than 60% THC

    • Proposes to ban the sale of concentrates to people aged 21-24

    • Proposes to ban the advertising of concentrates, including on social media

  3. HB 1642 - Regulating the sale of cannabis concentrates

    • Proposes to ban the sale of concentrates & cartridges above 35% THC to anyone who’s not a registered patient

We need to kill those concentrate bills in their infancy, and lend the homegrow bill our support. This only takes a few minutes and will go a long way! Here's what you need to do before February 2nd at 8am…

How to Take Action

HB 1611 (Legalize home grows)

  1. Go to Select "Regulated Substances & Gaming" from the Committee dropdown menu, then "02/02/2023 8:00am" from the Meetings dropdown menu.

  2. Click on "HB 1614 Home cultivation of cannabis," then click the link that says, "I would like my position noted for the legislative record."

  3. On the next page, make sure you select "PRO" as your position. Complete the form with your information, and feel free to put "Patients and Users for Reasonable Policy" as your Organization.

HB 1641 (65% tax on concentrates)

  1. Go to Select "Regulated Substances & Gaming" from the Committee dropdown menu, then "02/02/2023 8:00am" from the Meetings dropdown menu.

  2. Click on "HB 1641 High-potency cannabis," then click the link that says, "I would like my position noted for the legislative record."

  3. On the next page, make sure you select "CON" as your position. Complete the form with your information, and feel free to put "Patients and Users for Reasonable Policy" as your Organization.

HB 1642 (dabs for registered patients only)

  1. Go to Select "Regulated Substances & Gaming" from the Committee dropdown menu, then "02/02/2023 8:00am" from the Meetings dropdown menu.

  2. Click on "HB 1642 Cannabis concentrates," then click the link that says, "I would like my position noted for the legislative record."

  3. On the next page, make sure you select "CON" as your position. Complete the form with your information, and feel free to put "Patients and Users for Reasonable Policy" as your Organization.


New Bills Would Limit Dab Sales to 25+ or Propose New Taxes


I Misunderstood HB 1249